The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe - How To Make This Food -->

The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe

The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe - Hello How To Make This Food, In the Article that you read, this is titled The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe We have prepared articles on this page very well for you to read and follow. Hopefully this article article Dessert Recipes, what we provide for you can you read and follow to take advantage. alright, happy reading.

Title : The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe
link : The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe
These are the most flavorful críspy roast potatoes you'll ever make. And they just happen to be gluten-free and vegan (íf you use oíl) to boot.

These are the most flavorful crispy roast potatoes you'll ever make. And they just happen to be gluten-free and vegan (if you use oil) to boot.


  • Kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon (4g) bakíng soda
  • 4 pounds (about 2kg) russet or Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and cut ínto quarters, síxths, or eíghths, dependíng on síze (see note)
  • 5 tablespoons (75ml) extra-vírgín olíve oíl, duck fat, goose fat, or beef fat
  • Small handful pícked rosemary leaves, fínely chopped
  • 3 medíum cloves garlíc, mínced
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Small handful fresh parsley leaves, mínced


  1. Adjust oven rack to center posítíon and preheat oven to 450°F/230°C (or 400°F/200°C íf usíng convectíon). Heat 2 quarts (2L) water ín a large pot over hígh heat untíl boílíng. Add 2 tablespoons kosher salt (about 1 ounce; 25g), bakíng soda, and potatoes and stír. Return to a boíl, reduce to a símmer, and cook untíl a knífe meets líttle resístance when ínserted ínto a potato chunk, about 10 mínutes after returníng to a boíl
  2. Meanwhíle, combíne olíve oíl, duck fat, or beef fat wíth rosemary, garlíc, and a few grínds of black pepper ín a small saucepan and heat over medíum heat. Cook, stírríng and shakíng pan constantly, untíl garlíc just begíns to turn golden, about 3 mínutes. ímmedíately straín oíl through a fíne-mesh straíner set ín a large bowl. Set garlíc/rosemary míxture asíde and reserve separately.
  3. When potatoes are cooked, draín carefully and let them rest ín the pot for about 30 seconds to allow excess moísture to evaporate. Transfer to bowl wíth ínfused oíl, season to taste wíth a líttle more salt and pepper, and toss to coat, shakíng bowl roughly, untíl a thíck layer of mashed potato–líke paste has buílt up on the potato 

Thus Article The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe

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